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Anatomy and Latin Are The Key to Medical Knowledge

      A doctor with a classical medical education from any country in the world can easily understand the works written by their foreign colleague. The fact is that all anatomical names are of Latin or Greek origin, which is why it is so important to study and expand the vocabulary of medical terminology from the first courses.

      For the first time, an Anatomy Olympiad was held for students of the faculty of foreign students to master and deepen one of the most complex fundamental disciplines. The Olympiad consisted of two stages. At the first stage, it was necessary to solve complex computer tests. Those 12 students who successfully completed the test with highest marks, were admitted to the second stage, where they deciphered Latin names of organs in an anatomical crossword puzzle and answer questions on situational tasks.

      According to the jury members (S.D. Andreeva, PhD, N.L. Maltseva, PhD), two 2nd-year students, Bhoir Anish Chandrakant (202i) and Vishe Kranti Swami (203i), demonstrated the best results. We wish the participants high results in the examination session and further victories!


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