New scientific direction: Mechanisms of pathogenesis of typical pathological processes of the nervous system
Director: Head of the Department of Neurology, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Ponomareva Galina Leonidovna.
During the existence of the school, 20 candidate's and one doctoral dissertation have been successfully defended, 3 patents of the Russian Federation for the invention have been obtained. In recent years, 3 monographs, 14 textbooks have been published with the stamps of the federal education authorities or educational and methodological associations, more than 100 articles have been published.
The founder of the scientific school, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Boris Nikolaevich Bain, who researched the topic "The study of typical pathological processes in the genesis of organic diseases of the brain". A significant contribution to the development of the scientific school was made by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Vitalievich Kislitsyn with the topic of research "Drug and non-drug neurorehabilitation in acute disorders of cerebral circulation"
Main scientific directions: "Development of issues of surgical treatment of liver and biliary tract focal lesions using high-tech techniques development of surgical interventions on the liver, biliary system and adrenal glands from mini-accesses", "Surgical treatment of high mechanical jaundice", "Pancreatic surgery, prevention of complications after pancreatic surgery", "Surgical treatment of complicated forms of acute pancreatitis", "Development of the problem of surgical treatment of hormone-active tumors of the adrenal glands and pancreas", "Development of issues of purulent surgery, treatment of external intestinal fistulas", "Surgery of the esophagus", "Use of various types of vascular transplants in reconstructive surgery for obliterating diseases of the arteries of the femoral-popliteal segment", "Surgical treatment of acute ilio-femoral phlebothrombosis", "Surgical treatment of congenital and acquired heart defects and coronary artery disease".
Director: Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery with the course of Otorhinolaryngology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Vyacheslav Andreyevich Bakhtin.
The scientific school consists of 3 doctors of medical sciences, 3 professors, 4 candidates of medical sciences, 3 of whom are awarded with the title of associate professor in the Department of Hospital Surgery, 3 assistants of the department.
A huge contribution to the development of the scientific school was made by the honored scientist of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize, head of the department of surgery of the IPO, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Zhuravlev Valentin Andreevich.He is the author of 8 monographs and textbooks. Under his leadership, 9 patents for scientific inventions were obtained, 17 scientific methods were introduced into practical healthcare.
Main scientific directions: "Viral hepatitis" and "Natural focal infections of the Kirov region".
Director: head of the department of Infectious Diseases, doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Alla Lvovna Bondarenko, infectious diseases doctor of the highest category, сhaisperson of the Society of Infectious Diseases Doctors of the Kirov region, member of the Board of the Russian-Italian Society of Infectious Diseases, member of the Mediterranean Society of Infectious Diseases and Parasitologists, Russian Association of Infectious Diseases, Russian and European Associations of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists, American Academy of Clinical Immunology and Allergology.
During the existence of the scientific school, 2 doctoral dissertations, 13 dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences have been defended, more than 600 scientific papers have been published, including 6 monographs.
The scientific school consists of 3 doctors of medical sciences, including 2 professors, 8 associate professors, 3 assistants.
Main scientific directions: "Study of the effect of energotropic drugs in pharmacological protection of the body from the adverse effects of industrial, environmental, medicinal and other factors." "Pharmacological regulation of energy metabolism, development and justification of rational pharmacotherapy schemes based on energy exchange regulators, development of new dosage forms with regulated targeted delivery of pharmaceutical substances obtained from available plant raw materials growing in the Volga-Vyatka region and adjacent territories, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, system analysis, multidimensional statistics and modeling."
Director: head of the department of pharmacology, doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Mazina Nadezhda Konstantinovna.
Currently, 5 PhD theses are being written under her leadership, 6 Russian grants and 1 international have been won. During the existence of the scientific school, 1 doctoral dissertation and 3 candidate dissertations have been defended, more than 200 works have been published, 1 patent for an invention has been obtained, 2 innovative developments have been issued.
Main scientific directions: "Physiology and pathophysiology of visceral systems of the body".
Director: head of the department of pathological physiology, doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Anatoly Pavlovich Spitsin.
Under his scientific supervision, 4 candidates of sciences defended themselves. Currently, 5 dissertations are being written, more than 160 scientific papers have been published, more than 30 teaching guides, three patents have been obtained. During the existence of the scientific school, more than 200 printed works have been published, 2 monographs have been published, 2 doctoral and 3 candidate dissertations have been defended.
The scientific school consists of 1 professor, 1 associate professor, 2 assistants. 3 graduate students are trained and perform scientific work at the department.
Main scientific directions: "Organisation of psychiatric care, psychiatry and psychotherapy in childhood and adolescence".
Director: head of the department of psychiatry and narcology, doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Marina Vladimirovna Zlokazova.
A huge contribution to the development of the scientific school was made by a doctor of medical sciences, professor Bagaev Vladimir Ivanovich.
During the existence of the scientific school, 2 doctoral dissertations, 10 candidate dissertations were defended, 4 monographs, 8 collections, 53 methodological recommendations were published.
Main scientific directions: "Forensic traumatology and the study of microscopic objects, issues of suicidology and the organisation of the forensic medical service".
Director: head of the department of forensic medicine and law, doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Alexey Yevgenyevich Maltsev.
During the existence of the scientific school, more than 200 scientific articles and 5 monographs have been published.
The main scientific direction: "Prevention of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality".
Director: doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Dvoryansky Sergey Afanasyevich. During the existence of the scientific school, more than 20 candidate dissertations have been defended, more than 400 scientific papers have been published, more than 70 rationalisation proposals have been defended, more than 40 scientific developments have been introduced into the practice of healthcare in Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm regions, 5 applications for inventions have been issued, 2 of which received priority certificates and 3 patents.
he main scientific direction: "The study of immunopathological mechanisms of pathogenesis and the development of new methods for the diagnostics and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic connective tissue diseases".
Director: doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Nemtsov Boris Fedorovich.
Under his leadership, 5 dissertations were defended for the academic title of Candidate of Medical Sciences and 1 for the degree of doctor of Medical Sciences, more than 150 scientific papers were published, 4 patents for inventions were issued.
The scientific school consists of 3 doctors of medical sciences, including 2 professors, 1 associate professor, 8 assistants.
The main scientific direction: "Immune and endocrine disorders, their correction in kidney diseases, rheumatic, bronchopulmonary and allergic diseases in children"
Head: doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Illek Yan Yurievich.
Under the scientific supervision of Professor Y. Y. Illek, 5 doctoral and 55 candidate dissertations were completed and defended. Professor Y. Y. Illek is the author of more than 500 scientific papers, including 12 monographs.
The scientific school consists of 1 professor and 7 associate professors.
SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL "Social medicine, medical ecology and hygiene"
Main scientific directions "Occupational hygiene and industrial ecology", "Environmental hygiene", "Medical and social problems of public health", "Medical and social and ecological and hygienic aspects of public health", "Medical and social problems of maternal and child health", "Pathometric systems in medicine and healthcare".
Supervisor: doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Euro-Asian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky Petrov Boris Alekseevich.
3 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations have been defended, more than 20 articles have been published in scientific journals.