You have come to study, as indicated on your visa. It is prohibited by law to change the purpose of entry. It is necessary to attend classes and successfully master the educational program.
Students enrolled in the main educational program with state accreditation have the right to work in their free time. At our university, all major educational programs have state accreditation, i.e. our students have the right to work in their free time.
Please note that foreign citizens studying at the preparatory faculty do not have the right to work.
Violation of the purpose of entry involves a fine and administrative expulsion from Russia. After the decision on expulsion is made, entry into Russia is prohibited for a period of 5 years or more.
MIGRATION REGISTRATION (hereinafter referred to as “registration”)
All foreign citizens are required to register at the place of temporary residence (to have registration). If you live in a university dormitory, you will be registered at the Department for Visa and Registration Support (hereinafter referred to as “the Visa and Registration Office”), which is located in room 105 of Building 3.
On the day of check-in at the hostel, you must bring a copy of your passport and migration card to the Visa and Registration Office.
Upon admission to the hospital, the registration from the previous place of residence, i.e. from the hostel, is automatically cancelled. Therefore, if you were ill and were treated in a hospital, on the day of discharge from the hospital you must again bring the documents for a new registration and provide the address of the hospital where you were staying.
If you do not bring documents for registration, you will stay without it! Residing without registration for more than three days involves a fine and administrative expulsion from the country.
It is also necessary to provide documents for a new registration again on the day of receiving:
- a new passport or an extension of its validity period
- duplicate migration card
- a new visa
- temporary residence permits
- residence permit.
All foreign citizens who have arrived to study at the University are required to undergo a medical examination at polyclinic No. 7 at 47 K. Marx Street, Kirov (entrance from the courtyard) within 90 days from the date of entering Russia.
Results of the medical examination (3 medical certificates) must be submitted to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Kirov (hereinafter – Migration Service) at the address: Kirov, Energetikov str., 42. After the certificates are submitted, the Migration Service employee will take your fingerprints. Visiting Migration Service requires an appointment, which is organized by the Visa and Registration Office.
After fingerprinting a foreign citizen is issued with a plastic card confirming the fulfillment of this obligation. The card is issued once and must be kept for the entire period of stay in the Russian Federation. In case of the card’s loss, it is necessary to apply to the Migration Service with an application for its duplicate.
Please note that fingerprints are given only once, but medical certificates must be provided to Migration Service annually!
For example, if you had medical examination in November of this year, then every subsequent year in November you must again undergo a medical examination at the above-mentioned polyclinic and provide medical certificates to the Migration Service. In addition, you will be given a certificate indicating the date of submitting the certificates, which will confirm the fact of fulfillment of this obligation.
If a foreign citizen has not provided medical certificates to the Migration Service within the period established by law, then the period of temporary stay is reduced and the foreign citizen is obliged to leave Russia within 3 days.
In addition, administrative liability in the form of a fine and expulsion from the country is provided for violation of the deadline for providing medical certificates to the Migration Service (evasion from medical examination).
A visa is a document confirming the right to legally stay in the Russian Federation. All students are required to monitor the validity of their visa and provide timely documents to extend its validity.
It is recommended to submit documents for visa extension no later than 45 days before the expiration date. The Visa and Registration Office needs time to process a package of documents and to make an appointment at the Migration Service. Migration Service employees do not accept documents for visa extension if its validity period is less than 20 working days!
To extend the visa, you must provide the following documents to the Visa and Registration Office:
- passport and registration
- 2 copies of the passport. Pages with stamps, visas, notes must be copied
- 2 copies of the migration card
- 1 copy of the registration
- 1 copy of the card, confirming completing of fingerprinting procedure
- 1 photo on white background, size 3x4, no smile and no glasses
- a paid receipt for the visa extension in the amount of 1,920 rubles.
Specialists of the Visa and Registration Office will submit all the necessary documents to the Migration Service for you. After receiving a new visa, you will also receive new registration.
For foreign citizens who have the right to enter Russia without a visa the main document confirming their right to stay in the country is a migration card.
It is recommended to submit documents for extending the period of temporary residence to the Visa and Registration Office no later than 30 days before the end of the period stated in the migration card.
It is necessary to submit:
- a copy of the notarized translation of the passport into Russian
- a copy of all pages of the passportъ
- a copy of the registration
- a copy of the migration card
All other documents will be processed by Visa and Registration Office specialists. After the Migration Service extends the period of temporary residence in the Russian Federation for a foreign citizen, a mark is put on the migration card indicating the new period of stay in Russia and a new registration is issued within 3 days.
After the expulsion from the University, a foreign citizen is obliged to leave the territory of Russia within 6 days.
Within 3 days from the date of the student's expulsion, the Migration Service reduces the period of residence; after that the foreign citizen is obliged to leave within 3 days. For evading departure from Russia, liability is provided in the form of a fine and administrative expulsion.
If at the time of expulsion, a student has a temporary residence permit for the purpose of obtaining education (hereinafter – RVPO), he is also obliged to leave the territory of Russia. The RVPO is cancelled as soon as the expulsion decree is issued.
This requirement does not apply to students with RVPO who are expelled due to successful completion of their studies and obtaining a diploma of higher education. Such students have the right to apply to the Migration Service immediately after receiving their diploma with an application for a residence permit in the Russian Federation. If a student does not wish to obtain a residence permit, he is obliged to leave before the expiration of his temporary residence permit.
On the day of expulsion from the University, a foreign citizen is obliged to submit documents to the Visa and Registration Office for registration of a transit visa for departure:
- passport
- a copy of the passport, migration card and registration
- photo 3 х 4 cm
- a copy of the ticket to the country of permanent residence
- receipt of payment of the state fee for the issuance of a transit visa in the amount of 1200 rubles.
Foreign students who have completed their studies and have visas valid until the end of their studies (until August 31 of the corresponding year) may not apply for a transit visa to leave Russia, provided that the Visa and Registration Office provides a copy of the ticket to the country of permanent residence with the departure date before the expiration of the existing visa.
Foreign citizens, who, at the moment of expulsion, have a valid temporary resident permit (issued for 3 years) or a residence permit in the Russian Federation, are not required to leave.
Foreign students expelled due to completion of their studies and admitted to study in another educational program may not leave the country, provided that their visa is extended in a timely manner.
The information was prepared based on the requirements established by the federal laws of the Russian Federation No. 109-FZ dated July 18, 2006 “On migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation” and N 115-FZ dated July 25, 2002 “On the legal status of foreign citizens in Russian Federation" and other regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as amended as of April 30, 2024, as well as local acts of the University.
Head of the Office for Visa and Irina Vitalievna Pestova
Registration Support of Kirov SMU (contact number 37-49-55)