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Centre of Preparatory Education

Address: 610027, Kirov, Karl Marx Str., 112, room 130 (building 3)

Phone: +7(8332) 37-48-33, +7(8332)37-50-55

E-mail: cdp@kirovgma.ru


Head of the Centre of Preparatory Education: Oksana Zotina 


Alevtina Ponikarovskaya, teaching and learning specialist

Elena Mitrofanova, teaching and learning specialist


Educational programs

Preparatory course for foreign citizens 

Purpose: to prepare foreign citizens and stateless persons to master professional educational programs in Russian.

- mastering the Russian language to the extent that provides the opportunity to study in Russian and communicate in the educational, professional and socio-cultural spheres; 
- mastering knowledge of the disciplines necessary for continuing education in an educational institution of higher education of the Russian Federation;
- implementation of systematic targeted preparation for university entrance exams in Russian, biology, chemistry;
- formation of an integral system of knowledge and skills, familiarisation with moral, aesthetic and ideological values, which positively affects the formation of the personality of students.

Upon completion of the course, foreign students will have linguistic, socio-cultural and strategic competencies that allow them to solve communicative tasks in the educational, professional and socio-cultural spheres of communication. The student will deeply know chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, computer science. 

Profile: medical and biological
Form of study: full-time, using distance learning technologies
Each academic group consists of 15 people.

Foreign citizens are provided with a place in the university dormitory.


To apply, send your documents to admission@kirovgma.ru. Admission procedure is specified here


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