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Office for Coordination of International Affairs

Office for Coordination of International Affairs (International Office)

610027, K. Marx st., 112, room 105

Tel.: 007(8332) 37-49-55

E-mail: oms@kirovgma.ru

Head of the International Office - Jeannette Nikolayevna Ovsyannikova

Head specialist - Starodubtseva Elena Sergeyevna

Translator - Ekaterina Alekseyevna Khodyreva


Main objectives of the International Office:

  • Formation of international cooperation programs
  • The implementation of representative activities
  • Increasing the export of educational services through recruiting activities and organising the recruitment of foreign citizens for basic and additional educational programs
  • Conducting marketing research on the international educational services market
  • Organisation of internships and training programs for students, residents and University staff abroad. Providing academic exchanges for students and faculty
  • Assistance to University departments in obtaining foreign grants and contracts
  • Timely and strict fulfillment of the duties and functions assigned by the legislation to educational institutions that invite foreign citizens to study or employ them
  • Providing consulting and other assistance to departments and employees of the University on issues related to the competence of the Departmen


International activities:

  • Kirov State Medical University has signed 4 agreements on bilateral international cooperation with foreign universities and scientific organizations in the field of education and science. 
  • Students of Kirov State Medical University annually participate in international summer internship programs. In 2023, students of Kirov State Medical University completed a summer internship in medical organizations in Mexico, Turkey and Macedonia.
  • University staff and students annually take part in scientific and educational events with foreign universities. In 2023, students and teachers of Kirov State Medical University took part in 6 conferences and 3 congresses. Foreign participants, in their turn, took part in 8 conferences, 2 seminars and 1 olympiad. The full list of scientific events is published below. 


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