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Visit of honourable guests to Kirov State Medical University


      Kirov State Medical University continues developing international relations, striving for integration into the global educational space.

On 4th of September, 2024, acting rector of the University Leo Mikhailovich Zheleznov met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Ivory Coast Coffey Leon Conan, Military Attache of Burkina Faso Yasnemanegre Savadogo and Director of the Kirov Fire and Rescue Law Police College Igor Mikhailovich Sharipov.



      During the meeting, issues of cooperation in the field of medicine and education, as well as opportunities for the exchange of experience between educational institutions and countries were discussed.

      After the official part of the visit, the delegation visited the Multi-profile Accreditation and Simulation Center, where they got acquainted with modern methods of teaching students and the latest technologies in the field of medical education. The guests noted the high level of equipment of the center and the quality of training of future medical specialists.



     Then the delegates went to the Anatomy museum of our university, where they were shown unique exhibits and told about the development of anatomical research. The Ambassador of Côte d'Ivoire and the Military Attache of Burkina Faso expressed admiration for the rich heritage and achievements of Russian medical education.



      The visit ended with a discussion of further steps to strengthen international cooperation and student exchange.  The Acting Rector of the University noted the importance of such meetings for expanding horizons and improving the quality of education. For our country, cooperation with African countries in the field of higher education is one of the priorities.


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