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Nigerian delegates visited Kirov SMU


      In order to organise regular interaction with foreign participants of the World Youth Festival and implement a cultural patronage program, the Kirov Region hosted young people from the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

      On 23rd of September, a delegation from Nigeria visited Kirov State Medical University and met with acting rector E.N. Kasatkin, head of the Department of International Affairs E.V. Sharapova and their compatriots who are studying in medical specialties.



      The acquaintance with our university continued at the MAC-centre and the Museum of Anatomy. The guests were given a tour of the classrooms for practical exercises, as well as shown unique exhibits and preparations.



       At the meeting, the guests shared their positive impressions of the region, admired the natural beauty, noted the responsiveness and openness of Kirov residents.

      During the visit to the Kirov region, the delegates also visited other universities of the city, took part in anniversary events and business meetings, and got acquainted with the history of the Vyatka land. The delegation's stay will end with the opening of the international Friendship Club in Kirov, which will be engaged in cultural exchange and international projects.




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