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Temporary Residence Permit (for the purpose of obtaining education)


      The procedure for obtaining Temporary Residence Permit for the purpose of obtaining education (hereinafter referred to as "RVPO") is established by Article 6.2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 25.07.2002 No. 115-FZ "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter – the Law).


      Persons eligible to receive the RVPO

      Students of full-time bachelor's, specialist's, master's programs, residency and post-graduate degree programs with state accreditation.

      At our university, all higher educational programs have state accreditation, i.e. all students of our university are eligible to receive RVPO.  

      Students of the preparatory faculty are not eligible to receive it. 

      The RVPO is issued for the duration of the education program and one hundred and eighty calendar days after the end of the period of study. These 180 days are given to the student in order to obtain a diploma of education and then apply for a residence permit in the Russian Federation or leave the country. 


      What advantages does RVPO provide?

         - A student who has received an RVPO should not undergo an annual medical examination and provide medical certificates to the Migration Service.

         - It is not necessary to renew the visa every year, since when issuing an RVPO, a multiple-entry visa is issued the whole period it's validity.

         - It is not necessary to apply for a medical insurance (health insurance) every year, since a compulsory medical insurance (hereinafter referred to as MHI) is being issued.  Compulsory medical insurance is issued and extended free of charge and gives the right to be treated free of charge in any state polyclinic or hospital.  


      Documents required for applying for the RVPO

         - application (2 copies),

         - passport and its notarized translation,

         - registration, migration card and their copies,

         - 2 photos in size 35x45 mm,

         - original certificate of no criminal record issued by the competent authority of the state of permanent residence and legalized in accordance with the established procedure. The certificate must be issued not earlier than 3 months before the date of application,   

         - medical documents (and copies thereof) confirming the absence of infectious diseases and drug addiction dangerous to others. The documents are issued by polyclinic No. 7 (Kirov, K. Marx, 47) upon passing the annual medical commission for the Migration Service,

         - an extract from the university admission decree and a certificate confirming the status of the student. These documents are issued by the Office for Visa and Registration Support of the University (hereinafter – Visa and Registration Office), 

         - a document confirming the payment of the state fee in the amount of 1,600 rubles.


      Where to submit documents

      The completed application form and the above documents are submitted to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kirov Region (hereinafter referred to as the Migration Service) at the address: Kirov, st. Energetikov, 40. The appointment requires prior registration. Registration of the appointment and assistance in filling out the application form and the required package of documents is provided by the Passport and Visa Service (Kirov, Energetikov, building 38, telephone 21-12-75). This service is fee-based.

      From June 2024, the law provides for the opportunity to submit an application through your personal account on the portal of state and municipal services "Gosuslugi".


      What to do upon receiving the RVPO

      On the day of receiving the RVPO, a student is to submit the following documents to the Visa and Registration Office to apply for a new registration:

  • passport copy (all pages that have visas and stamps)
  • migration card copy
  • original certificate of the current registration.

      A new registration is to be made within 3 days after receiving the RVPO. Visa and Registration Office issues registrations for dormitories.

      It is required to obtain Obligatory Medical Insurance certificate in any insurance company.


      Transferring to another university

      If a student with the RVPO decides to transfer to another university, they are to submit a document confirming their acceptance to an intramural educational program with the state accreditation to the Directorate for Migration Affairs in the Kirov Region within thirty days since their expulsion in connection with the transfer. If such a document is not submitted in due time, the RVPO will be annulled and the foreign citizen will be obliged to leave Russia.

      If a student is transferring to a different educational program within the university, they are to provide an abstract from the expulsion order in connection with their transfer to another educational program personally to the Directorate for Migration Affairs.


      The RVPO annulment

      The reasons for the RVPO annulment are stated in Article 7.1 of the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”.

      It is important to note that besides the reasons related to law violation by a foreign citizen, the RVPO can be annulled in case of early expulsion or transferring to extramural or mixed educational programs.

      Moreover, the RVPO is annulled if a foreign student has not provided a document confirming their acceptance to a different university within thirty days of transferring.


      The RVPO gives no right to live in a university dormitory after a foreign student completed their education. International students that have been accepted to a different educational program continue living in a dormitory.



The Head of the Office for                                                           Irina Vitalyevna Pestova

Visa and Registration Support                                                      Office phone: 37-49-55

in Kirov Medical State University


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