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Summer leisure time of foreign students


      Summer is the time when students go home to relax and gain energy before the new academic year. But not all students have the opportunity to go to their native lands, especially hard it is for foreign students. To help the children diversify their leisure time, the curators of the groups and the head of the Department of International Relations prepared several exciting excursions for them.

      Last weekend, students of the faculty of Foreign Students, together with the head of the International Department, E.V. Sharapova, visited the multimedia museum of power engineering as part of the adaptation program. During the tour, our students got acquainted with the processes of operation of a power plant and learned how heat is created in houses, where hot water comes from and how energy affects the environment. The girls were particularly interested in the interactive installation, which allowed them to try themselves as dispatchers of the power plant and take part in virtual experiments.

      On Monday, foreign students of the preparatory faculty of the Kirov SMU, our future applicants, together with their curator, took part in an excursion along Vorovsky Street and visited the only Hunting Trophy Museum in Russia, which is located on the basis of the Vyatka State Agricultural University. The children saw more than 500 unique stuffed animals and parts of skeletons of birds and animals, for example, the Amur tiger, snow leopard, Siberian roe deer, whale, Steller's cow, mammoth and other animals. The children were especially surprised by the stuffed albino badger, which can be seen only in three museums in the world: the Darwin Museum in Moscow and the British Museum of Natural History in London and the Museum of Hunting Trophies in Kirov.

      Going to museums is always an exciting adventure into the world of the unknown and a great opportunity to spend the free time pleasantly and usefully.


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