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Medical students from Vitebsk do practical training in Kirov SMU


      On 10th of July, acting rector of Kirov State Medical University L. M. Zheleznov met with guests from Vitebsk State Medical University – V.A. Korneeva and fourth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine.

      Future doctors from Belarus arrived in Kirov for an internship, which will last from July 8 to July 19. During this time, they will gain valuable experience working at one of the university's clinical bases – Polyclinic No. 1 of the Kirov Clinical Diagnostic Center.

      During a warm and friendly meeting, Lev Mikhailovich told our guests about the history of the Vyatka land and the scientific achievements of our university. He also noted the importance of cooperation between the two medical universities and expressed confidence that the practice in Kirov would be fruitful and useful for Belarusian students.

      Students from VSMU, in turn, shared their impressions of their stay in Kirov. The guys highly appreciated the level of organization of medical care at the place of practice, especially they noted the use of lean technologies that make the process of providing medical care more efficient and convenient for patients. The meeting ended with an exchange of gifts and souvenirs.

      Cooperation between universities contributes to the development of professional competencies of future doctors. Such meetings and exchange of experience between medical universities of the two countries help strengthen ties between Russia and Belarus in the field of healthcare and medical education.


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