Kirov State Medical University Table Tennis Championship among 1st year students
On the 20th of November, in order to popularise table tennis among younger students, the Table Tennis Championship of Kirov SMU was held. During the competitions, each competitior could demosntrate their legerity, speed and stamina skills. First-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Students took part in the competitions too.
Among boys:
Saravanan Sanjay (group 102) - 2nd place,
Udayippan Muthyraja (group 102) - 3rd place
Among girls:
Khapare Yojana (group 102) - 3rd place
At the end of the Championship, the jury consisting of the associate professors of the Department of Physical Education Aleksandr Vladimirovich Makarov, Aleksandr Borisovich Shishkin and teh secretary, the couch of the University`s table tennis team congratulated the students and presented the winners with diplomas of the Physical Culture and Sports Club.