Students of 4th,5th,6th courses in the specialty "General Medicine"; 4th,5th courses in the specialty "Pediatrics", 4th courses in the specialty "Dentistry", 2 courses in the specialty "Clinical Psychology" study disciplines taught by the department; the basics of General and Private Psychiatry and Medical Psychology are studied. The training is conducted on the basis of the Center for Psychiatry and Mental Health named after. Academician V.M. Bekhterev.
The department uses various types and forms of educational and methodological work: lectures, practical classes, patient supervision, student conferences, visual demonstration material (slides, tables, video materials), as well as classes with the use of online technologies.
Teachers of the department use various methods of activating cognitive activity with an individual approach in teaching students (business and role-playing games, press conferences, round tables, work in small groups, clinical analysis, problem-based learning and others). Special attention is paid to the problems of emergency and borderline psychiatry, epilepsy, psychosomatic and somatopsychic disorders.
The department is equipped with modern technical equipment, educational video materials, multimedia equipment, and other manuals necessary for conducting the educational process at the proper level. An electronic library for students has been created, and an educational website is being filled in.
There are cycles of thematic improvements for psychiatrists, narcologists, certification cycles and cycles of professional retraining in the specialty "Psychiatry" and "Psychiatry-Narcology", "Child Psychiatry".
The educational activity of the department is closely connected with the current educational work, which is aimed at the formation of ethical, deontological and universal values among future doctors. At the beginning of each cycle, teachers conduct a conversation on behaviour in a psychiatric hospital, rules of communication with patients and staff, familiarization with the internal regulations at the department and in the hospital (prohibition of smoking in the premises, appearance in the classroom, behavior in the classroom). Conferences on the problems of maintaining mental health and preventing addiction to alcohol and psychoactive substances are held annually. At these conferences, reports are prepared by students, residents and graduate students.